English Name: desert senna,rattlebox senna
Synonyms: Cassia covesii
Spanish Names:ejotillohojasén,daisillo,ojosón, oyasón, rosamaría
The color of this flower is an incredibly bright yellow,making it very difficult to photograph
it in sunlight. I was able to capture the color on a soft, cloudy, rainy day on September 5th, 2009.
"This species is a small subshrub with fuzzy gray-green leaves. S. covesii has four or six leaflets. Foliage is shed during dry seasons. Rains trigger short spikes of yellow caesalpinoid flowers, mostly in spring and late summer."
"The caterpillar of the Cloudless Sulfur (Phoebis sennae) and Sleepy Sulfur (Eurema nicippe) butterflies can be found feeding on the leaves and and the adult butterflies are often encountered flying nearby."